
Sanofi-Genzyme is supporting continuous medical education-focused satellite symposia to
(1) discuss progresses and issues in the multi-disciplinary management of metastatic prostate cancer and
(2) better understand prostate cancer heterogeneity and mechanisms of disease progression for guiding treatment strategies in metastatic prostate cancer.
Ismar Healthcare is partnering with Sanofi-Genzyme for the organisation of satellite symposia at international congresses. We provide full-package services including content development, creative design and logistical support.
Since 2011, several satellite symposia per year have been organised at European congresses of prostate or urological cancers.

Each satellite symposium was hosted by 3-4 faculty members and attended by +/- 300 experts.

Meeting services included:

  1. Symposium branding & creative identity
  2. Meeting materials and staging development
  3. Faculty management
  4. Presentation editing
  5. Logistics
  6. Coordination with congress organisers
  7. On-site meeting coordination


Post-meeting services included:

For some symposia, we were involved in video interviews with experts and produced symposium webcasts.



Since the start in 2011, 25+ satellite symposia were organised reaching an international community of urologists, oncologists and radiation oncologists.

prostate cancer management
prostate cancer management
prostate cancer management

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